Unsuccessful people habit

Ashish Das

Hey, Do you know what, not having unsuccessful habits is moreover important having successful person habit because unsuccessful peoples habit even could easily led a successful person to be unsuccessful Or the person who never grow more. but not having unsuccessful persons habit could led a normal habit person to a successful person so let's begin to see some habit which you should never have if want to grow in your life

1.) They Never use to take any risks: This is the one of the unsuccessful persons common habit that usually led to stay at only the level they are in. Now see, there is a difference between foolish risk and calculated risk let's understand this with a example so, if you want to have profit at your business by taking a high amount of loan to grow business without having any plan then tell me it's a foolish risk or calculated risk, I go for foolish risk, but with a plan it become calculated risk.

2.) They don't do any action : We should take actions rather than just thinking about a problem or a dream, If you used dream about something which you want to do so, rather than just thinking, just make a strategy or a plan and just do that thing work on as soon as as possible, you should not have patience to do something which only at your hand to do.

3) They always run away from their fear: Unsuccessful people don't face to their fear which makes them slow at something which they should not. now here there is a difference between right fear or wrong, let's understand this with a example,

Suppose, you have a fear off from high mountain cliff so, what do you think is it a right fear or wrong fear, well I go for right fear because it is more like self protecting signal from dying or insanely injured from jumping off the cliff, now suppose you are feared from public speaking that's a wrong fear now you can win against it by facing it, by doing public speaking again and again and again till you master on it. 

4) Taking wrong decisions: A skilled persons is determine with their ability to take decision which most of the times got right but many can't, Now let's know how we take right decision, all we need is to think that what could possibly happen if you do that.

5) Rat racing to be king of rats😂: Most of the people are always get into one track from which strong fragrance coming and then, all the people used to run or to get cheese at any way even they need to make die to someone and also in the way of getting cheese they obtain jealousy and willingness to make someone down. Rather that focusing on improving themselves Or build up the skill of themselves all they compete to be king or queen of all rats however they still can't match with cat and lion(I hope you got the point). 

6) They don't learn from the mistake of others or themselves: The people who don't earn from the mistakes of themselves usually don't grow so much and, those who learn from others, not only from mistakes but they usually learn from others grow more than anyone.

7) Common saying: They don't want to be rich, usually they say that they are happy without money or aren't have hunger with money even if they are struggling with this or working for money even when they are tense with their work.                                                   

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