The Deaf Frog - Inspirational story

Ashish Das

Story is one of the best way to learn about life, morals, lesson, etc without experiencing it but only if you would listen/read it by imagining the incident of story as it happening to you. so, let's read that story in short.

 Once upon a time, There was a frog who is deaf so, he can't hear anything and many frogs used to criticize him too but as he was deaf so he didn't notice anything.

 One day, there was raining so, all the frogs are having fun with shower of rain but suddenly a wave of water come and take many frogs(included deaf frog) into the big hole. The rain got stop and the hole was fill with water but still all the frogs were stuck at one hole so every frog try to jump off from the hole to save their life from water fill in the hole but all the frogs accept their their deaths cause every time they try to get out of hole, the hole gets bigger so, they gave up one by one by listening each others negative words but the deaf frog didn't stop as he was deaf, all frog telling him again and again that you can't do that but as the frog was deaf he didn't stop and try and try and at last get out of the hole.

 Moral of the story: No matter how much negative things people say, people words doesn't impact on reality or make you in trouble, you shouldn't stop if you believe that you can do thing you want to.

 However, you should know that if you feel that their words are right for you and even if you believe on something then you should think whether it is right for you or not and what they saying is really true(not saying to change your goals) if you realize that you are wrong then change the way of your doing/achieving something.

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