pareto principle (80/20 principle)

Ashish Das

Do you ever have been surprised that most highly successful entrepreneur usually don't do so much  hard work, all they do smart work with not giving up on their ideas, they have similar case where they did 80% smart work and 20% hard work similarly that's how it worked. The Pareto Principle which is also known as 80/20 principle, in simple way it is for most of results or outcomes comes from 20% of work or effort causes of 80 % results and 80% work causes of 20% results. For better understanding let's see some example.

For Example: 

1. 20% of criminals do 80% crimes. 80% people do 20% crimes.[crimes always happened whether it is little crime or big crime].
2. 80% boys attract to 20% of girls; as it is 80% of girls get interest or attract to 20% of boys. 
3. 20% of people have 80% of money but 80% of people have 20% of money in the world.
4. 20% of companies have 80% of monopoly[dominance] in the market and 80% of companies have          20% of monopoly.
5. Most of people used to spend 80% of education that they don't need and 20% of education that they need. 

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